Eliana Rodriguez, a 29-year-old mother from Las Vegas, faced frequent comments about her “big” baby bump during her pregnancy but refused to let the stigma affect her. Despite remarks like “You must be expecting twins,” both Rodriguez and her baby boy, Sebastian, were healthy.
Rodriguez, who is 4’11” with a shorter torso, explained that her larger bump was normal and caused by her body’s natural adjustments. She carried a lot of amniotic fluid but did not have polyhydramnios, a rare condition linked to excess fluid. Her doctors assured her that everything was fine, and Sebastian was born healthy at 8.3 pounds.
Rodriguez emphasized the harm of body-shaming comments, noting their potential impact on women dealing with prenatal or postpartum depression. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she hopes to encourage more understanding and kindness toward pregnant women. “I am religious and feel sorry for those who choose cruel words,” she said.
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